Life has no smooth road for any of us; and in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim the very roughness stimulates the climber to steadier steps, till the legend, over steep ways to the stars, fulfills itself.
W. C. Doane

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Don't miss the bus!

That caught your attetion didn't it.:) That's what I almost did this morning. Me and that snooze button are too close friends. Well, I am here to share a piece of my English project I just finished. It's suppose to be a vignnette(I think that's how it's spellt.). Okay here it is:

My name is Nicole

It means victory

At times I feel like I don’t have victory

Like when I put all my heart in a project then get a fiffty because I forgot one thing. Just one.

Or when I got sick at school and left in ambulance.

Or when I found out my 11 year old cousin died.

But,there are moments when I have victory.

Some little ,some huge.

Like when I accepted my diagnoes.

Yhea,I have seziures so what.

Their under controll.

Or when I made fried chicken.

It was still bleeding when I was done.

But guess what I did it.

I realize that there will be moments of victory and losses.

I just gotta learn from it and move on.

By: Nicole Thorne

Well,there it is I hope you like it.I do. Alot actually. Also I can do post from my email. I think that's cool. But, if you don't :/. I still have biology homework to do so I gotta go.bye.:)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Random Post

Hello Ladies and Gentleman,
Hope you had an awesome Labor day. I know I did. At the moment I am going bonkers.I am Multi-tasking. I am flat ironing my hair(Because the salt water killed my hair at the beach .),I am watching the bones marthon, I am cleaning my room,trying(un-succesfuly) to do my math homework,working on my english project and writting this.It's like I can't focus and be creative,which I need for my project. I feel a little better since my phone is chargeing. In other situations, I had to leave early from school on wednesday. So this is what happened. Soon as I got off the bus at school I felt dizzy. It wasn't dizzy like i'm going to have a seziure. Then,when I got in my first period claass it got worse. Then in the middle of her talking it felt like I was going to have a seziure. I didn't have a seziure though. I went to the nurse with my good friend Machal.! :)Long story short I had an emergency appointment with my other doctor.... She ordered my blood to be drawn! OMG! It was four huge tubes!!!!!! Geesh,that hurt so bad. She also ordered an ambulatory EEG! It's like an EEG but, it last three days long and it monitores my brain waves while I do everything(like paint my toes). An EEG monitors your brain waves. Well, I feel much better. I can fous. Thanks. Have a wonderful week. : D